Meet our students on campus and present your company to them in person. We offer a wide range of networking formats, from conventions to workshops, interviews and business speed-dating sessions. Our students are aware of our career events and make them an important part of their annual planning. There are plenty of marketing options available that will ensure good on-campus visibility for your company.

HSG Talents

24.02. - 15.03.25

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HSG Career Days

14.10. - 22.10.2024

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HSG Banking Days

30.09. - 11.10.2024

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HSG Talents

Be a part of the largest recruiting event organised at the University of St.Gallen. Every year, our HSG Talents connects more than 100 companies with more than 1700 students through a wide range of formats.

On the day of the fair, the centrepiece of the HSG Talents, you can present your company to our students by setting up a booth in the Olma Hall 9.1.

Event website

HSG Career Days

Showcase your company at our industry-specific career events in autumn. Are you located in the luxury, legal, industry or FMCG sector? The HSG Career Days are for you: join and meet the right students through a wide range of formats.

Event website

HSG Banking Days

Our Banking Days take place for two weeks in October and are exclusively aimed at companies from the financial and banking industry. It involves workshops, interviews and social activities that are extremely popular with our students. The Banking Days are the ultimate platform for you to connect with students wishing to embark on a financial career.

Event website

HSG Innovation Trophy

The HSG Innovation Trophy offers you the opportunity to collaborate with talented students to develop creative solutions for specific business challenges. You will benefit from innovative ideas and fresh approaches that are directly tailored to your strategic goals. At the same time, you will gain access to highly qualified young talent and position your company as an attractive employer.

Event website