Our mission

As career experts, we advise talents and companies personally and independently. We are the starting point and enablers for individual and successful careers by bringing the right people together.



Gerd Winandi-Martin

Director Career & Corporate Services

Christina Merri-Madsen

Managerin Career Center

Andreas Stopper

Manager Data Analytics

Bettina Krone

Head of Marketing & Communication

Alessa Anheuser

Event Manager

Karin Peer

Project Manager

John Mhuka

Manager Corporate Relations

Aline Bach

Managerin Business Service

Patricia Heemskerk

Career Counsellor

Christina Sandau-Jensen

Career Counsellor

Miriam Pfäffli

Career Counsellor

Sophia Forster

Career Counsellor

Serena Spoendlin

Career Counsellor

Kyra Dauwalder

Student Assistant

Timon Kienast

Student Assistant

Career & Corporate Services (CSC) is the first port of call for students of the University of St.Gallen (HSG) who have questions about their career. It also works with companies wishing to present themselves as an attractive employer and recruit students from the HSG. We offer a variety of platforms to connect companies with students. Our wide range of workshops and career counselling services helps the students of the HSG advance their personal career plans. The CSC operates a career platform containing job adverts, career tips for students, and services that help companies expand their representation at the University of St.Gallen. We are a member of the Swiss Career Services Network (CSNCH) and participated in the first CSNCH Employer Forum.
